Kubernetes Certification: Everything You Need to Know in 2023

Learn about all Kubernetes certifications, including the different exams available, pricing, and tips for saving money.

As someone who is certified in Kubernetes, I’ve compiled all the essential information you need to know about Kubernetes certification.

Types of Kubernetes Certification

There are a total of 4 kubernetes certifications. I have added a brief description of each with all the exam details you need to know.

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) is an industry-recognized credential that demonstrates your ability to manage and maintain Kubernetes clusters.

It is a popular and sought-after certification among DevOps Engineers.

The CKA exam is a hands-on exam that tests your ability to perform tasks such as:

  • Installing and configuring Kubernetes clusters
  • Managing Kubernetes objects, such as Deployments, Pods, and Services
  • Scaling and troubleshooting Kubernetes applications
  • Securing Kubernetes clusters

To pass the CKA exam, you must have a good understanding of Kubernetes concepts and be able to use the Kubernetes command-line interface (kubectl) effectively.

The following table contains the information about the CKA exam.

PricingUSD 395
Latest Kubernetes version1.28.0
Exam typePerformance-based, hands-on
Exam time2 hours
Exam validity3 years
Prerequisites1-2 years of experience managing Kubernetes in production
Exam topicsKubernetes fundamentals, Deployments, Pods, Services, Networking, Storage, PersistentVolumeClaims, PersistentVolumes, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Jobs, CronJobs, HorizontalPodAutoscalers, Ingress, TLS, Secrets, ConfigMaps, ResourceQuotas, LimitRanges, Namespaces, RBAC, Troubleshooting

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) is a certification that demonstrates your ability to apply Kubernetes concepts to build, deploy, and manage containerized applications.

The CKAD exam is also a hands-on exam that tests your ability to perform tasks such as:

  • Deploying and configuring applications
  • Managing application lifecycle
  • Troubleshooting and debugging applications
  • Securing applications
  • Monitoring and logging applications
PricingUSD 395
Latest Kubernetes version1.28.0
Exam typePerformance-based, hands-on
Exam time2 hours
Exam validity3 years
Prerequisites6 months of experience deploying and managing containerized applications in Kubernetes
Exam topicsKubernetes basics, Docker, Deployments, Pods, Services, Networking, Storage, PersistentVolumeClaims, PersistentVolumes, ConfigMaps, Secrets, ResourceQuotas, LimitRanges, Namespaces, RBAC, Troubleshooting

Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)

CKS is a Kubernetes security-focused certification. To take the CKS exam, you must already be a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA). Your CKA certification also needs to be active (not expired) when you schedule the CKS exam.

The CKS is a performance-based exam that tests your skills in Kubernetes and cloud security. It puts you in a real-world environment to see how well you can secure container-based applications and Kubernetes platforms.

CKS exam covers clusters security and other cncf open soruce tools like Trivy and Falco for securing the cluster.

InformationCertified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)
PricingUSD 395
Latest Kubernetes version1.28.0
Exam typePerformance-based, hands-on
Exam time2 hours
Exam validity3 years
PrerequisitesValid CKA certification
key Exam TopicsCluster Setup, Cluster Hardening, System Hardening, Minimize Microservice Vulnerabilities, Supply Chain Security, Monitoring, Logging and Runtime Security

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)

The Kubernetes Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) exam is a test that measures your basic understanding of Kubernetes and other cloud-native technologies. It’s a stepping stone for those who are interested in diving deeper into the world of cloud computing.

Once you pass the KCNA exam, you’ll have proven that you understand the basics of Kubernetes and the wider cloud-native ecosystem.

This certification can help you move on to more advanced certifications like CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator), CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer), and CKS (Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist).

InformationKubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)
Exam Duration2 hours
Number of Questions60
Topics Covered1. Kubernetes Basics
2. Cloud-Native Landscape
3. Application Deployment
4. Cloud-Native Security

How Much Does Kubernetes Certification Cost

I have organized all the certification costs in the following table. All the certification comes with preparation courses. I have added the price of the associated course bundle as well.

CertificationCertification CostCourse Bundle Cost
Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)$395$595
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)$395$595
Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)$395$595
Kubernetes Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)$250$299
CKA + CKS Bundle$725N/A

Choosing a Kubernetes Certification

Choosing a Kubernetes certification depends upon individual preferences, career paths, and skill sets.

We have published a detailed guide on how to choose a certification.

Please read Choosing the Right Kubernetes Certification

If you are preparing for Kubernetes certification, don’t forget to get the voucher code from the Linux Foundation Coupon Page. You could save up to 50% on certification registrations.


70% of IT leaders worldwide use Kubernetes in their organizations. (Source: Red Hat State of Enterprise Open Source Report)

As per talent.com data, the average salary of a Kubernetes engineer is $146,531.

I hope you found this guide helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below, and I’ll do my best to clear up any confusion.

In the upcoming blogs, I will talk about how to prepare for these certifications.

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