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The Complete Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)Course
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Cluster Setup
Kubernetes Cluster Architecture
Setup Virtual Machines
Kubeadm Cluster Prerequisites
Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster
Use Kubeadm to Install a Basic Cluster
Join Worker Nodes
Install the Network Plugin
Deploy Metrics Server
Validate the Cluster
Kubeconfig File
Kubectl Aliases & Shortnames
Cluster Configurations
Static Pod Manifests
API Server Configurations
ETCD Configurations
TLS Certificates
Kubeconfig Files
Kubelet Configurations
CoreDNS Configurations
📚 Quiz Time
Perform Cluster Version upgrade Using Kubeadm
Perform a Version upgrade on Control Plane
Perform a Version upgrade on Worker Nodes
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etcd Backup and Restore
etcd and etcdctl
Implement etcd Backup & Restore
📚 Quiz Time
Creating Pod Using Imperative Commands
Creating Pod Using Declarative Approach
Multi Container Pods
🎯 Scenario 01: Create a Pod
🎯 Scenario 02: Create a Multi Container Pod
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Static Pods
Creating Static Pod
🎯 Scenario 01: Get the static pod manifest's directory
🎯 Scenario 02: Create a Static Pod
📚 Quiz Time
Command and Arguments
Executing Shell Scripts From Args
🎯 Scenario: Create a Pod with Specific Commands and Arguments
📚 Quiz Time
Init Containers
Creating Init Containers
Native Sidecars Using Init Containers
🎯 Scenario: Modify a Pod to Include Init Containers
📚 Quiz Time
🎁 Bonus: How Do Init Containers Work?
🎯 Scenario 01: Create a ReplicaSet
🎯 Scenario 02: Debugging a ReplicaSet
📚 Quiz Time
Create Deployment Using Imperative Commands
Deployment Creation Using Declarative Method
Rolling Update and Rollbacks
Perform a Rolling Update and Rollback of a Deployment
Pause & Resume Rollouts
🎯 Scenario 01: Create a Deployment
🎯 Scenario 02: Debug a Deployment
🎯 Scenario 03: Edit a Deployment
🎯 Scenario 04: Update a Deployment using Rolling Update Strategy
🎯 Scenario 05: Update a Deployment using Recreate Strategy
📚 Quiz Time
What is JSONPath?
Create Deployment
JSON Data Types
Querying Data with JSONPath
🎯 Scenario 01
🎯 Scenario 02
Jobs & CronJobs
Creating a Job
Creating CronJobs
🎯 Scenario 01: Create a Job
🎯 Scenario 02: Run Parallel Jobs
🎯 Scenario 03: Create a CronJob
📚 Quiz Time
🧩 Cronjob Real World Example
Creating a Daemonset
🎯 Scenario 01: Deploy Monitoring Agent as Daemonset
🎯 Scenario 02: Fix the DaemonSet
📚 Quiz Time
Labels and Selectors
Working With Labels & Selectors
🎯 Scenario: Use Labels and Selectors in Pods
📚 Quiz Time
Taints and Tolerations
Working With Taints & Tolerations
🎯 Scenario 01: Schedule Pods to Specific Node
🎯 Scenario 02: Ensuring Exclusive Scheduling for Production Workloads
🎯 Scenario 03: Remove The Taints
🧩 Real World Example
📚 Quiz Time
Node Name & Node Selector
Working With NodeName
Working with Node Selectors
🎯 Scenario: Assign Pod to Node Using Node Selector
📚 Quiz Time
Node Affinity
Working With Node Affinity
🎯 Scenario: Use Affinity to assign Pods
🎁 Bonus: NodeSelector Vs NodeAffinity
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Default Namespace
Working With Namespaces
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Service Accounts
The Default Service Account
Creating Service Account
🎯 Scenario: Use External Service Account
📚 Quiz Time
Authentication & Authorization Methods
Need for Role Based Access Control
RBAC Concepts
Create a User
🎁 Bonus: RBAC in Real World Projects
📚 Quiz Time
Roles & ClusterRoles
Understanding Role & RoleBinding YAML Specification
Working With Roles and Role Bindings
Working With Cluster Roles and ClusterRole Bindings
Adding Roles and ClusterRoles to Service Accounts
🎁 Bonus: Creating API token for a ServiceAccount
🎯 Scenario 01: Create ClusterRole To Provide Access
🎯 Scenario 02: Create Role To Provide Access
🎯 Scenario 03: Provide Access to Non Resource URLs
📚 Quiz Time
emptyDir Volume
hostPath Volume
🎯 Scenario 01: Mount Redis Logs to Volume
🎯 Scenario 02: Optimizing Build Performance Using HostPath Volumes
🎯 Scenario 03: Inspecting Pod Volumes on Node
📚 Quiz Time
Persistent Volumes
Working With Persistent Volumes & Claims
Volume Subpath
🎯 Scenario 01: Create a PV
🎯 Scenario 02: Setting Up Persistent Storage for a CMS
🎯 Scenario 03: Fix the Pod
📚 Quiz Time
Storage Class
Working With Storage Class
🎯 Scenario 01: Create a Storage Class
🎯 Scenario 02: Mount a Volume Into a Pod Using PV, PVC and SC
📚 Quiz Time
Environment Variables
Default Environment Variables
Working With Custom Environment Variables
Environment Variables With Downward API
🎯 Scenario 01: Configure Environment Variable
🎯 Scenario 02: Logging Pod Information for Monitoring
📚 Quiz Time
Working With ConfigMap
Updating ConfigMaps
Immutable Configmap
🧩 Bonus: Real-world Scenario
ConfigMap Imperative Commands
🎯 Scenario 01: Create a ConfigMap
🎯 Scenario 02: Externalizing Configuration for a Web Server
🎯 Scenario 03: Configuration Management for Web Application Services
📚 Quiz Time
Base64 encoding
Secret Types
Working With Secrets
Injecting Secrets into Pods
Secret Imperative Commands
🎯 Scenario 01: Create a Secret
🎯 Scenario 02: Configure a Secret Into a Pod
🎯 Scenario 03: Configuring Nginx with TLS Secret in Kubernetes
🎁 Bonus: Managing Secrets In Real World Setup
📚 Quiz Time
Resource Requests & Limits
🎁 Bonus: How Kubernetes uses Cgroups and CFS to Manage Resources
Pod Quality of Service (QoS)
Working With Requests & Limits
Resource Quota
Limit Ranges
🎯 Scenario 01: Setting CPU Requests and Limits
🎯 Scenario 02: Listing CPU and Memory Resources of Pods
🎯 Scenario 03: Fix the Problematic Pod
🎯 Scenario 04: Analyzing kube-proxy Pod Memory Usage
🎁 Bonus: Capacity Planning Real World Example
📚 Quiz Time
Kubernetes Services
Working With Services
Inside Kubernetes Services
🎁 Bonus: Why EndpointSlices?
DNS Based Service Discovery
Default Kubernetes Service
NodePort Service
🎁 Bonus: How Does NodePort Work
Load Balancer Service
🎁 Bonus: MetalLB With Kubeadm
Externalname Service
Environment Variables
🎯 Scenario 01: Expose Webserver Using NodePort
🎯 Scenario 02: Expose application interally
🎯 Scenario 03: Fixing Deployment and Service Issues
🎯 Scenario 04: Deploy and Test Connectivity Between Apps
📚 Quiz Time
🎁 Bonus: Ingress Controller: Internal Workflow
Setup Ingress Controller
Multiple Ingress Controllers
Ingress Object
Ingress Demo Application Architecture
Deploy Demo Application
Create Ingress Objects
Ingress TLS
Create Ingress TLS
🎯 Scenario 01: Expose Web Application Via Ingress
🎯 Scenario 02: Troubleshoot Application Ingress
🎯 Scenario 03: Implement Path Based Routing
🎯 Scenario 04: Implement TLS For Ingress
📚 Quiz Time
Network Policy
Kubernetes Network Policy
Network Policy Object
Deploy Demo Application
Deny all Ingress and Egress Traffic
Implement Network Policies for Secure Communication Between Services
Default Deny Network Policies
Common Pitfalls and Key Concepts
🎯 Scenario 01: Secure Namespace Communication with Network Policies
🎯 Scenario 02: Implement Secure Egress with IP CIDR-Based Restrictions
🎯 Scenario 03: Secure Database Access with NetworkPolicy
📚 Quiz Time
Kubernetes Architecture Deep Dive
Cluster Architecture
Kube Controller Manager
Cloud Controller Manager
Kube Proxy
Container Runtime
CNI Plugin
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